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At Furneux Pelham C of E School our aim is to encourage all children to reach the highest standard possible in all that they do by providing them with the necessary skills and attitudes that will enable them to continue their education with high self-esteem and personal confidence.

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Communication With Parents

Communication With Parents

Our main form of communication is through our weekly bulletin which is published every Friday. You can read them here.

Most other information is emailed. Please contact the office if you wish to be added to our mailing lists.

Some regularly used forms can be found below, for quick access.

Communication about Pupil Progress

Communication with parents about pupil progress and achievements happen at regular points throughout the school year:

A parents’ evening in the autumn (October) and spring (February) terms.

Additional ISP (individual support plan) meetings are also held for parents of children on the special educational needs register. These are held at SEND Parents’ Evenings, on a separate day to the parents’ evenings.

A written end of year report is sent home in the summer term. Parents have an opportunity to discuss this report with their child’s class teacher(s).