Support Us
Support Us
Roots to grow, Wings to soar
Support Us
There are many ways that you can support us to deliver a rich and varied learning experience to our children:
- Volunteer your time to hear children read, quiz them on maths facts or help us with task around the site such as gardening.
- Visit a class or lead an assembly to talk about your area of expertise or your career.
- Join our parent association (the FPSA) to organise fundraising events throughout the year, or offer your help to run one of the events.
- Attend FPSA run events and invite family members and friends to join you.
- Sign up to EasyFundraising, selecting Furneux Pelham School as your chosen charity, to raise funds for the school every time you make a purchase through an online website, at no cost to you!
- If you’re a parent with an Arbor account, have you considered making a regular direct debit donation through the ‘General Donation’ area.
- Invite wider family or community members to make a donation to our school. Our bank details are as follows:
Furneux Pelham Church of England School
Sort Code: 20-17-19
Account No.: 93476030