Furneux Pelham School

At Furneux Pelham C of E School our aim is to encourage all children to reach the highest standard possible in all that they do by providing them with the necessary skills and attitudes that will enable them to continue their education with high self-esteem and personal confidence.

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Nightingale Class


Nightingale Class

Nightingale Class

Our theme this half term is ‘rocks and relics’. In science we are learning about different types of rocks and their uses. In particular this week we are seeing if we can identify which rocks are used for which purposes around the school. In history we are looking at how the process of smelting bronze out of copper and tin paved the way for the advancement from the stone age. We have had great fun with drama so far this half term, as you will see from our photos taken in class. We had a drama work shop to start off our new history topic and in class we have been creating freeze-frames and role plays to give us ideas for  writing. It is our turn for forest school again this half term: so far we have made mud sculptures and coronation themed symbols out of natural objects.


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