School Events
School Events
Please note we may need to change dates as the year progresses in which case we will inform you.
Meet the Teacher
These short meetings are an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s class teacher and hear about the class routines and expectations. Much of the information is also provided in the class letter for parents who are unable to make the meeting.
Church Services
All parents/friends/family are invited to join the school for these services. Our pupil worship group, Pelham Praise, and year 6 pupils always take an active part in leading the service alongside the vicar. The services mark key points in the Christian or school calendar.
Parent’s consultation
These happen twice a year and are a formal opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress with their class teacher. Each appointment lasts 10 minutes and you will be asked to sign a record of the main points discussed. Your child’s work will be available for you to see. We ask that children do not attend. [October and February)
INSET days
These are training days for staff. School is closed to children.
Decorating Day
A non-uniform day when the children work in small mixed-age groups creating, baking and making decorations for Christmas. We use some to decorate the Christmas tree in time for the Christmas Bazaar. This event relies on lots of adult help including parents. [End of November]
Charities Week
During this week children take part in a variety of activities organised by Y6 and Mrs Foley with all the money going to our chosen charities. There will almost certainly be one day when the children come to school dressed in something other than school uniform. [June]
Whole School Summer Performance
Whilst Y6 take the major roles the whole school take part in our summer performance. Traditionally the younger children perform a song and dance. We ask children to be at school at 6.00pm to get changed ready for the performance to start at 6.15, with the performance usually lasting a little over an hour. [July ]
Open Afternoon
Parents, friends and family are invited into school to see what the children have been doing in class. This is an opportunity to share your child’s work with them and also visit other classes in the school. [July ]
Sports day
This is an all-day event although many parents only join us for part of it to fit in with work commitments. In the morning the children participate in a carousel of events ensuring everyone is actively participating all the time. Parents are encouraged to follow their children round watching and supporting at each event. After an outdoor lunch [you are welcome to bring your picnic] we have track events. Points are collected throughout the day leading to one of our school houses winning sports day. [July]