About Us
Mrs. Sarah Cook HeadteacherOur vision is to open our pupils’ eyes to the world around them – enabling them to grow secure roots in their village school and community, whilst giving them the knowledge and skills to succeed in the wider world. Pupils will love learning and be driven to achieve – they will believe that they can be the best versions of themselves, with no limits. Our pupils will be resilient individuals who appreciate the world and God’s gifts within it. They will treat God’s gifts with love and care and will place great value upon people and their differences, and the world both near and far. The wings of faith support us to soar freely and flourish now, and in the future.
We are very proud of our school, but we are not complacent and continually strive to improve.
We look forward to welcoming you and your family to Furneux Pelham School. You can contact the school on 01279777344 or via email at
Please do come along and see our school for yourselves!
About Us
Our shared aim is to provide an outstanding education for children of all abilities in an atmosphere of unity. Every opportunity is offered to broaden horizons and inspire children in their learning. We want every child to exceed expectations and actively encourage close co-operation between home and school.
Our Aims
At Furneux Pelham C of E School our aim is to encourage all children to reach the highest standard possible in all that they do by providing them with the necessary skills and attitudes that will enable them to continue their education with high self-esteem and personal confidence. Strong Christian values underpin the teaching and care of children at our school. We are committed to the uniqueness of all pupils and aim to ensure that they:
Enquiring minds
Develop imaginative and enquiring minds and the ability to apply themselves to tasks, taking a full and active part in their own learning.
Knowledge & Skills
Acquire understanding, knowledge and skills in intellectual, creative, physical and interpersonal development and in this always try to do their personal best.
Celebrate Achievements
Celebrate their achievements and those of others.
Develop their personal moral values and spirituality.
Recognise the values which make people good citizens of the world even though they may have a different culture and beliefs.