Furneux Pelham school logo

At Furneux Pelham C of E School our aim is to encourage all children to reach the highest standard possible in all that they do by providing them with the necessary skills and attitudes that will enable them to continue their education with high self-esteem and personal confidence.

Tel: 01279 777344    Follow Us

School Association


School Association

FPSA logoAll parents who have children at the school are automatically members of the Furneux Pelham School Association, a registered charity, run by a committee of parents and teachers, aimed at raising money to enhance the education of our children at the school.

Anyone with a child at the school can be on the committee, which meets one or twice a term to drive an active fund-raising programme to support all manner of activities at the school.

Recent donations include:

4 Workshops:

Violent Volcanoes
Rainforest AdventureWW1 – KS1
WW1 – KS2


Phonics books
Art Materials
Reading Gladiators
Maths and DT materials
Reading books
School planners – Y4,5,and 6
A weather station for the benefit of the whole school
Christmas Pantomime
World Book Day dance workshop

In addition, we typically support a number of smaller items too – such as the welcome bears all reception children get on their first day, an outdoor table tennis table, and covering the cost of coaches for swimming lessons and school trips.

Forthcoming Events

Please come and support your local school at the following forthcoming events.

School events have been a bit quiet lately.
We are working hard to try to organise events that can be held safely.